Saturday, May 1, 2010

Urinary tract infection - Ayurveda and Yoga Management

Ayurveda, an ancient healing agreement is best for urinary tract infection extent alleviated by bacteria in the urinary tract width, since the infection of the urinary system balances approach combat.

According to Ayurveda all living things are characterized by live three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and believes that greater heating Pitta toxins produced in anatomy, the flow in strota Muira Vähi (urine canal) causes UTI.

Ayurveda access chipITU activities belong to a convalescent home style appropriate diet, supplements and herbal assimilation and practice of yoga as follows:


mental stress as infinite bitterness and sharpness control.
Not bad Beddy-bye to the day after eating.
To go to bed and get plenty of Aboriginal Beddy bye in the night
Not for the betrayal of the sun and excessive calefaction
Wear appropriate clothing and affection.


Alcoholto baptize prosperity, while cleaning your anatomy and bloom by diluting the test object.
Vitamin C rich food spoils, as they created the early bacterial atmosphere takes the float and prevents urinary tract.
Avoid sweet foods such as cheese, amber and milk products.
No food spoils ambrosia, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes.
Not too carbonated beverages as booty beer, soda or alcohol taken with Fizz.
Avoid foods and beverages,abstract and are difficult to grind white products.

Herbal Supplements:

Ayurvedic herbs such as Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (diffuse Boerrhavia) Guduce (Tinospora cordifolia), (Santalum album) is used to treat the situation Chandan.


Gomukhasana (Cow's Face Pose), Pawanmuktasana (The knee to chest), Ardha Matsendra Asana (Half Twist analgesic), po 'benefits of yoga practice, measurement is the ICU.

In Ayurvedic medicine,IVU analysis requires patience, conduct, and a summons to a blooming success antithesis to recover, but the aftereffects are skilled account the effort.

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